Thursday, February 17, 2011

Free Street Healing!

On my trip to the UK last summer I walked the lovely streets of York with a friend who should seriously consider moving further west!  As my friend and I split up so we could madly get in our last buys before the shops closed I stumbled upon the most beautiful melody coming from a man playing the piano.  The brown oxford flats from New Look didn’t seem so important as the piano man relieved me from any shopping anxiety by taking my soul to a higher place.  Then about three weeks ago the piano man entered my life again this time in Washington Square Park in NYC.  I only had two days in one of my favourite cities and again found myself madly rushing around trying to squeeze everything in on my todo list – but the music stopped me once again and helped me to find the calm within the chaos.

As humans we really do have the tendency to get over stressed and carried away sometimes - I thought it would be appropriate to share this article on the healing power of music – maybe it will inspire you to befriend your local piano man :)  Article:  Tunes To Soothe 

Here are the infamous piano men from York and NYC (sorry for my unsteady hands):

Gusssygirl xx

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